How can I help you move forward today?

  • Let’s be real, gearing up for a job search can be time consuming and emotionally draining! Why not fast-track your success with additional support?

    Steps we might take to get you there:

    • Get into discovery mode about what you want in a new role

    • Update and customize your resume to get callbacks

    • Construct a cover letter template you can update quickly

    • Polish your LinkedIn so it attracts attention from recruiters

    • Grow your network to get inside info and referrals

    • Develop your interview strategy so you give better answers

    • Create strategies to reduce any interview anxiety

    • Build your negotiation skills to get the best offer

    My coaching process is designed to meet you where you are, so we may leverage some or all of these.

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  • Getting the news that your job is ending can be shocking, upsetting, a relief—or a combination of all three! Whether you consider this moment a tragedy or an opportunity—and the subsequent action you take—is up to you!

    How we might approach this challenge through coaching:

    • Evaluate and work to tackle any negative mindsets

    • Conduct an in-depth analysis of your DNA-level code for work (your Sparketype profile)

    • Get into discovery mode to align your values, skills, profile strengths so you can get clear on your direction

    • Update and customize your resume and LinkedIn profile

    • Construct a cover letter template you can update quickly

    • Evaluate how to tap into your network to get inside info and referrals

    My coaching process is designed to meet you where you are, so you get the personalized support you need vs. a cookie-cutter program.

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  • Everyone wants to be recognized for their contributions at work, but sometimes it’s up to you to advocate for yourself and negotiate. For some, that’s easier said than done.

    Here's how we'd tackle this challenge in coaching:

    • Identify what's important to your boss (if applicable), your target company, and your industry

    • Research how your skills and experience are valued in the market

    • Create a plan for matching your skillset with your comp target (if applicable)

    • Develop and strengthen your negotiation argument

    • Conquer anxiety through prep and practice

    • Fast one-on-one support when you're in the thick of a negotiation.

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  • So you’ve been at your current job for some time, but find yourself bored, going through the motions, stagnant in your career growth or in conflict with yourself, co-workers or both. Asking ‘what am I doing here?’ is perfectly normal!

    Here's how we'd tackle this challenge in coaching:

    • Identify what's important (your values) to you right now

    • Discover your Sparketype profile and determine how much of what you do in your job is ACTUALLY in your sweet spot of what gives you energy

    • Determine your next steps: Realign, Reimagine, or Reinvent

    • Create an aligned plan of action to get yourself unstuck

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  • When you’re experiencing burnout or boredom with what you currently do in your day job, you know deep down it’s time for a change. Shifting industries? Evolving to a new role or function? Stepping into entrepreneurship? Whether you know your ‘what’s next’ or not, coaching can be a tremendous catalyst for putting the wheels in motion.

    What we’ll tackle:

    • Gain awareness about your Sparketype profile to uncover your DNA-level impulses for work

    • Identify and remove any mindset blocks that keep you from taking action

    • Create that future vision that is aligned with your values, interests, and skills

    • Develop a plan to get the information you need to confidently take the plunge

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  • Fresh out of university or a few years in on your career and feeling a bit…lost? There are many reasons why we can get off track from what inspires us so early in our careers—especially if we weren’t super clear on what that was in the first place.

    Coaching can help you peel back the layers on where your strengths and preferences lie so you can create a more aligned path forward.

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